Update 9: General Improvement and a YouTube Channel

  • Update size: big.
  • Pages updated: every Felix Saves the Planet page.
  • Number of pages added: 1, videos under downloads.
  • Number of websites created: 0.
  • Number of pages moved: 0.

In this update I went through my Felix Saves the Planet website and just thought of what needed changing or updating. What I first came to was the FSTP Posters and Backgrounds. I downloaded them and was shocked on how plain they were. So, I redesigned them; I have made a massive improvement. Then I finally added a Site Map in and I am planning to do one for every website too. Next was Endangered Animals, I added a few links and more information about each animal as well as adding a few spaces in too. Then it was Energy. There, I rewrote some of the Information section and then in Electric Cars I changes the text style of the links to my Electric Cars websites. I rewrote the information section there as well.

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