Update 6: FSTP

  • Update size: big.
  • Pages updated: 0.
  • Number of pages added: 0.
  • Types of pages added: N/A.
  • Number of websites created: 2, FSTP Group.
  • Number of pages moved: 0.

Here are the names that have changed:

  • Alternatives - now - FSTP - Alternatives
  • World Conservation - now - FSTP Group

Here are all the website addresses:

When I decided to have one website dedicated to electric cars, I struggled on what to call it. So as Felix Saves the Planet was growing in popularity, I decided that I would shorten Felix Saves the Planet to just FSTP and stick "- Electric Cars" on the end. That was my first FSTP website. For a while, that all stayed like that but then Felix Saves the Planet and FSTP - Electric Cars were added on to Bing and Ecosia search engines. I wanted to update my websites but I didn't know what to change and then I had the idea to change all the rest of my websites to be FSTP websites. So, I changed Alternatives to FSTP - Alternatives and World Conservation to FSTP Group.

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