Update 5: New website and new ideas
- Update size: big.
- Pages updated: 2, Switch to green energy, Energy.
- Number of pages added: 2.
- Types of pages added: 1 sub-subpages.
- Number of websites created: 1.
- Number of pages moved: 0.

I created FSTP - Electric Cars because I had reached the storage limit on Felix Saves the Planet which meant I couldn't add any more photos

In this update, I have gone above and beyond. I have created a whole new website! FSTP - Electric Cars. This is a website fully dedicated to electric cars. Each car has its own sub-page. Those sub-pages are grouped together by which company makes that car. For example: each car that Tesla make has its own sub-page but it is under a page called Tesla.
Another change I have made is that I have added 'Use OceanHero' to the Help the Planet ideas. OceanHero is a browser extension where every 10 tabs that are opened, you will take a plastic bottle out of the ocean. I have also updated the green energy companies in the switch to green energy page in another of the help the planet ideas. There is now only: Ecotricity, Octopus Energy, Good Energy.