Update 4: Backgrounds and new Help the Planet! ideas and groups
- Update size: big.
- Pages updated: 18, all the Help the Planet! ideas and groups, Help & Site Map.
- Number of pages added: 4.
- Types of pages added: 1 subpage, 3 sub-subpages.
- Number of pages moved: 0.
As it's coming up to Christmas and people are already buying for it, I thought it would be a good idea to add a Christmas group to the Help the Planet groups. The ideas in that group are tree, food and packaging. Sticking with the theme of Help the Planet, on the groups home page I have added a list of all the ideas in that group. I have also removed the numbers on all the Help the Planet ideas and changed all the links to match them. So, for example, 1. Do not Litter!!! became Do not Litter!!! and the link changes from 1-do-not-litter/ to do-not-litter/.