Update 12: The FSTP - Help the Planet Update

  • Update size: medium
  • Pages updated: FSTP - Help the Planet: Home, All Recycling & litter pages, Eat less meat, All general changes pages, all energy usage pages
  • Number of pages added: 7, food, buy higher-quality alternatives, shop second-hand, energy efficient electricals, waste less food, buy local/seasonal food, grow you own food
  • Number of websites / apps created: 0
  • Number of pages moved: 2, Bake more, eat less meat

In this update, it was all about FSTP - Help the Planet. I added a new group, Food, which focuses on food waste and how to eat more sustainably. I also added a new page under 'Energy Usage', and two under 'General Changes'. These were 'Use energy efficient electricals', 'Shop second-hand', and 'Buy higher-quality alternatives that last longer'. This isn't a big update, but I have also changed the pictures on most of the pages to be higher quality and more relevant.

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