Update 10: Big FSTP - Electric Cars Update and Christmas

  • Update size: big.
  • Pages updated: home and other pages on both FSTP - Electric Cars websites.
  • Number of pages added: 10 new electric car pages and 9 new car company pages.
  • Number of websites created: 0.
  • Number of pages moved: 4, Christmas Help the Planet group and 3 Christmas Help the Planet ideas - from Felix Saves the Planet to FSTP - Help the Planet.

In this update I was focusing entirely on FSTP - Electric Cars. I have added 10 new electric cars to my websites; 8 cars on the higher priced cars website and 2 on the lower priced cars website. There is a video down below explaining FSTP Update 10 and on the home pages of both electric cars website there is a section on the electric cars I have added recently. In this update I also created a ‘Help me choose’ file to help people who are struggling to find what car to get, might find useful. I have also changed the layout of both of the FSTP - Electric Cars websites to cater for the extra cars I have added. I hope you like it and find it easier to navigate through FSTP - Electric Cars.

As it is getting up to Christmas, I remembered that during the past year I have moved my Help the Planet ideas to a separate website, but I didn't do the Christmas ideas. So, I moved all the Christmas ideas over to the FSTP - Help the Planet website.

These updates take a long time so I would really appreciate it if you subscribe to Felix Saves the Planet YouTube channel. You subscribe straight from the video down below!

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