Update 1
- Update size: big.
- Pages updated: all Felix Saves the Planet pages.
- Number of pages added: 17.
- Types of pages added: 16 subpages, 1 main page.
- Number of pages moved: 1 (ENERGY) (from navigation menu to under ELECTRIC CARS).

Webnode has updated the website building by allowing you to group pages together! So I did just that! The ideas on Help the Planet now have their own pages and I've split downloads up into two pages for the posters and the backgrounds. And (obviously) I've added a new page called Help! You might have noticed that for a bit, there was a site map on the home page but because of the website update I have now updated that and it is on its own page in Help. Also, Energy has moved into Electric Cars. You can still get to the top pages so for example Help the Planet is still a page and to go there you just click or tap on the word HELP THE PLANET!